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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > How would mediocre art look like? who can judge such a thing and compared to wha


How would mediocre art look like? who can judge such a thing and compared to what?and why compare it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Mediocre art doesn't have a look. It is art that doesn't engage most viewers either visually, emotionally, or intellectually; even those that understand the idea behind it.

That understanding is the key. I have many students that when they see a Jackson Pollock only think, "I could do that." But after we talk about it they have a much better appreciation.

So I guess the only people that can truly judge art are those who have bothered to figure out the artworks intent. Then again the best art grows beyond the artists intent.

As an art teacher I try not to judge art but rather the use of materials. As an artist an art historian I judge work by both its impact and originality.