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I need your... yes, YOUR! Opinions!!!!!?

Okydoky, so I'm writing a research paper for English. The problem is, only, like, 40% is research. My topic (Can creativity be taught?) sounds more like opinion than researchable (word?) fact. I am making avail in researching psychology databases... but that is beside the point.
I want your opinions on this topic: Can creativity be taught? Can the human psyche sit at a desk and listen to a lecture on creative expression, then, without precedent, create a work of art? I myself believe not, but can anyone prove me wrong.
Please! No shallow, "yes or no" answers. If you are going to answer, make it deep and thought provoking.

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2 months ago
Okay, good arguments. Those who say you can be taught, think, you can be taught style, but can you teach one to apply the style? Those who say no, elaborate...

2 months ago
So what you are saying, doclago (pardon spelling) is that creativity is not just an artistic term. Anything can be concidered creative if put into play by a creative person? Creative could also be, not an artistic way, but a new way of doing things... fascinating!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think that "creative" is a subjective word. Some people are artistically creative, some are creative writers, others musicians. Plastic surgeons often have to be creative as well as plumbers, electricians, professional sportsmen, mechanics, politicians, etc. I think you can stimulate a person to think on his/her own and that alone stimaultes some sort of creativity.
We all have our different interests and different areas where we naturally excel. You can't stimualte a person to be creative in an area where they have no interest or natural talent. You can give people a baseline or the tools to think, and what they do with it IS creativity.