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Funders + support for youth filmmaking projects?

Hello, I'm 21, wanting to make an ambitious feature length drama about childhood and what it's like being a kid.

While I'm quite experience and want to take the project quite seriously (getting help from industry friends, and proposing it to film fesitvals) I want the majority of production to be done by young people, since it's about them. Children I know or am friends with will act in it, do the soundtrack and help produce it, but I'm looking for about ⣲0,000 for production costs, and have a list of prospective funders for things like this, but wondered if anyone knows others? (Since I know how much of a nightmare funding can be..)

Thank you so verily x

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

thought you weren't allowed to ask for money on this site??? if EVERYONE who wants to make a film was to ask for money on here there would be no room for anything else!! you will have to go down all the same roads that we have all had to and find sponsors yourself! you've already managed to get most of the cast to work for free do some fund raising! unless your script was the best thing since sliced bread then you may have a chance but you are a very small fish in a big pond!