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What Is This Worth?

I Found These In The Attic. So I Was Wondering If They Were Worth Anything?

Is There A Site That I Could Possibly Find Out For Free?

Thank You.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

First step would be to take them to a local museum. They can tell you if they are even real. It is hard to find out value of something like that on the interweb. The reason I say that a museum can tell you if they are real is that it was popular for a while for museums and what not to sell reproductions of antique currency. The reproductions were antiqued and people who have no background in antique documents might confuse them for the real thing. Since the currency being reproduced is/was no longer in circulation it was legal for them to be pretty realistic, down to size and colors. But yeah, any local museum should beable to help you at little to no cost.