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My new poem "just expressing myself pt.1"?

Looka here
I feel this poem gonna hit
Where most emotions don??t fit
Sort of like that aftermarket kit
That doesn??t quite fit
Or like the word THIS
When you should of used THAT
But instead you used DAT and replaced this with DIS
S o who you be w i t ?
Are you wit who you wanna be wit?
Or who you wit is a wanna be,
who only wit you ??cause they wanna be?
Nowadays people got different agendas
Either trying to get over or up in ya
But it??s either on you or in you
And if it ain??t in you it??s on you
So keep your ear open and ya eyes peeled
Truth won??t get caught, but them lies will
Now you able to expose them like a line of film
See I??m a bright light, so I like mines dime
And stay higher than the average like a 26?? rim
6 foot even when I??m wearing my 6 inch timbs
5 foot eleven with a one inch sole
It??s Hard to protect your soul from a world so cold
Much more precious then any amounts of gold
So imma stay on the path I??m on ??til I??m grey and old

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Tiresome. Pointless. Senseless.