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My new poem "two fingers up"?

two fingers up...spread them apart means peace
you must be a friend...if you recieved one in the streets
i strive to do & be better than i were yesterday
cuz any giving day it could be ya last day
its hard to stay focus like 20/20 and tree smoke
when you down to ya last twenty and can't afford that tree smoke
i pray to God everyday for a cure of being broke
so, God blessed me with good health so i can mentally cope
with this materialistic world that we all live in
we stopped teaching each other that love is the only reason for livin'
when was the last time i gave it?
when was the last time i recieved it?
some people lost it...and some people don't believe in it
i would love to be rich, but right now, i'm surrounded by love
so, imma sit down and thank God...for this blessing above.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

This poem is so cool! i swear, it's deep...i must say you have real talent, as i began to read it right away it grabbed my attention, that's how i know it's good....keep up the brilliant writing.