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We all know it yet nobody understands it, time? what is it?what is it that allows all things to change?

Things seem follow a pattern which we are all a part of, we age physically, and mentally we change throuhout our life collecting experiences, creating and building ourselves a life.
What does it mean to age, to live in the present while being aware of the future and remebering the past, while the present being what seems the only thing thats real? where is the past now?and the future?where do these two times go? and finally is the present the only present, the only thing thats real?

sorry, english is not my mother tounge.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There was a philosopher who theorized that there was no present, past, and future difference. For him, it was all different presents.
If you think about it, the past is the present that has happened, the present is the time you are experiencing, and the future is the present which is about to come... for him, it was a long stream of "present". If you wanted to joke, you could say to your boyfriend/ girlfriend: I love you now. No, now. No, now. No, now etc.
There have been many poems which end up saying something like "this is the end of the poem, and you're older now than you were when you started reading this sentence".
Time in physics really just is super tied to space... they coexist, each as a measure of the other, yet separate. In a tridimensional space, everything is related to motion, which means, stuck between time and space.
As for the pattern... you know what they say... men age, women get old... we're not all equal in that domain!