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Do you feel the common people of America are not repersented by the elected?

do you think we need a common man per say in office? whom better to serve the american people than a common american? would you vote for a man that has had to strugle all his life for president? at least he would know and understand what the general public has to deal with. he would fight harder for health reforms and incomes and family issues. then write in vote for HUBERT JACKSON for PRESIDENT. how do you feel about that idea?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Our current government seems to only protect/represent the top 1 1/2 percent of our will take alot to ever have the "common man" represented.

Our political system does not seem to adhere well to people just trying to do good......with every promise/favor comes someone looking for a vote on something else.

The true politicians in this country are our lobbyists. They make or break political campaigns.

Do you have more to offer about this Hubert Jackson....and if so what about his struggle in life makes him worthy to hold the highest office in the land?