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What is the one event that made you very happy in your life?

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1 month ago
You can add more than one if event if want, but I just said one as it has to be the major one

1 month ago
The reason for asking this question was, that the average person always thinks about the bad things in life. Adding also the news around the world. Its a nice feeling to remember those beautiful moments that made us happy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I grew up very poor in an abusive family. When I was in high school I made good grades and was nominated to go to the National Young Leaders conference in Washington D.C. It was a big honor because you have to meet a lot of criteria to be considered. When I went, I realized that those kids were just regular kids like myself and were not better than me. I also realized that I had made good decisions that led me there and that I didn't have to be trapped in poverty and become a statistic. My future was up to me. I could make it what I wanted.

It sound stupid, but that changed my view of life and made me a better person. Other than the birth of my children, and my marriage to my husband, it is the one event in my life that has effected me the most.

Thanks for asking.