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Is it true that the African works of art in the Louvre are at the same artistic level as the Western works?

There are several African works of art at the Louvre and the British Museum. Is it true that they reach the same level of artistic splendor that the Western works of art do? Strictly as an example, are the Benin Bronzes on the same level as any Michaelagelo? What about the other works of African art (musical instruments, masks, ceremonial clothing, etc.)? Should they be in the same museum since they are just as important and require the same level of technical skill?

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There is no artistic level measurement. Museums have a variety of collections. However this does not mean the works are "valued" by collectors at the same price level. Michaelanglo's works are priceless and irreplaceable. If the museum would sell, it would go for many millions. I suspect that the African artifacts would not go as high but both are considered art.