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Found out i had a stalker.through investigation, i found out its a # of people, a group. should i police?

i have evidence. i have constitutional rights, and yet, this continues?

stalking is a crime, but when its more than one person??? any law pros or, i guess, gov. conpiracy people, or other 'victims' out there.

and if there's no immediate laws broken for charges; a weird game? a...what?

why still?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Wow. You need to get to the police as soon as possible. One lone nutter is bad enough, but there is no telling what a whole group could do.

Even if they haven't physically done anything to bother you, stalking is still a crime. Since you did an investigation, I imagine that you have documented the group's activities concerning you. This will prove invaluable, as this will help your case.

If you haven't hired a professional investigator, you should do so, since it's possible that while you may get some of the members, there may be more that will continue to stalk you. He could also get the names & addresses of these individuals.

These people are sick. There doesn't need to be a reason for them to do it, but I can only hope that it started out as an innocent party game versus a cult or group of crazies that are following you.

Below are some links. The first one is an anti-stalking organization, and it has the anti-stalking laws set up by state. I won't ask you where you live, as you don't know if they are following your online movements as well.

You have every right to get legal help to make them stop! You have done nothing wrong, or did anything to draw their attention to you.

DO NOT CONFRONT OR CONTACT THEM ON YOUR OWN!!!! I can't emphasise this enough!!!! You do not know what they are capable of, and they may WANT you to confront them. It may feed into whatever sick & twisted fantasy they have going on in their minds. The only contact you should make with them is through a third party who is uninvolved with the group.