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Is it legal to ask for help ? Before it's to late? Help...?

Is it legal to ask for help ? Before it's to late? Help...?
Is it legal to ask for help ? Before it's to late? Help...?
My little sister is going to die if we don't get her to a hopsptal where they will give her a kidney transplant.
We can not afford this, it's hard enough to afford gas and accomadations for her two children during the grueling kidney dialisis she goes through all day long 3 times a week. If it is legal to ask for help please help, prayers for health are good if not.
The hospital that (Angel) my sister currently goes to is the same place my mom has worked faithfully for ten years, and the same place were my Dad died earlier this year. My Dad hung him self on New Years and I think it was because Angels was Dying, or maybe he thought she could have one of his kidneys, I don't know. The hopsital refused to keep my father alive as long as the life support would allow, but we wanted him tested for his kidney, no they said and continue to say. They say angel is non compliant, they won't do it. Oh help! Mom is a nurse and takes care of Ang and there is no dought she is as compliant as pos

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0 seconds ago
We don't have time left. Angel will get another possible 25 years at life if she can have the transplant. She deserves to see her 2 daughter graduate high school. Life is to hard. She has lupus. She has a shunt in her heart to drain fluid, among other things. Please help if it is legal and you can, pray if you believe. for Angel Lee Sunshine
P.O. BOX 3844
Rapid City, SD, 57709

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1 second ago
Please do not be cruel, my heart is all ready broken

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1 month ago
Let's see some facts:

What happens in autoimmune diseases like lupus?
The immune system is designed to protect and defend the body from foreign intruders (bacteria, viruses). You can think of it like a security system for your body. It contains several different types of cells, some of which function like "security guards" and are constantly on patrol looking for any foreign invaders. When they spot one, they take action, and eliminate the intruder. In lupus, for some reason and we don't know why, the immune system loses its ability to tell the difference between a foreign intruder and a person's own normal tissues and cells. So, in essence, the "Security Guards" make a mistake, and they mistakenly identify the person's own normal cells as foreign (antigens), and then take action to eliminate them. Part of their response is to bring antibodies to the site that then attach to antigens (anything that the immune system recognizes as non-self or
yes rhat is her real name

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

praying helps and i know it must be very hard at this time to hear that. hopefully she will get a kidney soon and maybe just maybe she will be well agian. my prayers are with you.