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Can I base a character in a story on a real person without getting permission?

How would it work if I wanted to base a character or incident on a real person and something they went through? Would I need to ask their permission, or could I get away with just loosely basing it off of them and changing their names etc.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Hi Juanita:
It depends on how the story is applied, eg, are you an author? Or is it for a school or class project, a critique, etc? For class projects/homework and critiques, you do not need permission.

If, however, you are an author, and an individual can prove that you based your character on his/her life, then you may have a problem. For authors, it is advised that you to get permission from the person, in particular when there is doubt. You don't want it to bite you later! (If the person is deceased then obviously you don't need permission)

Ideas CAN'T be copyrighted, but knowingly writing a story about an individual and, moreover, without the individual's permission can lead to legal problems. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Copyright laws, as well as publishers (if you are writing a novel) do address your questions:

PS: I don't know why I was thumbed down, but oh well.