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Help?!?!?!?!? Job?

Ok I'm 13 now. I know this is a little early but I wat to start now.

K, by the time I'm 18 I want to have a car and also go to collage. I'm going to start work ASAP My parents WILL help me out but I want to show them I can handle life and pay for MOST of it.
I want to start work at 15. But I also want to start saving now.

What jobs can I do now???
Waht scolorships can I get or should work at?
By the time I'm 18 about how much will I have saved up?
ANy advice for me growing up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Yes, it's very early, and I don't want you to lose your youth, as it's the only one you will have...

Until you go to college, it's school first, then work if you have anything left over. Also remember that colleges want to see volunteer/community work, so you need to make time for that. I suggest you talk with a school counselor, even at this young age, about planning ahead to get into college. Make that #1. Then let the other things fall in line. There is scholarship money for good students, and you can get loans if necessary, but first you have to get in!

I saw on another answer several suggestions for jobs, and there are other things that you can think of that relate to what people either cannot do or don't want to do. Like taking out the garbage cans and returning them on trash day. Picking up groceries if you are in walking distance. Yard work and other manual labor. At a certain age, you will be eligible to become a camp counselor, too, which pays.

If you are creative, you can make some stuff and sell it at craft fairs or boutiques. For example, buy old wool sweaters at thrift store and make stuff out of them -- purses, blankets, even other sweaters that are funky and cute. Sell them to the boutique owner for 1/2 of what you think the retail price would be.

For scholarships, it is a little early.

As for how much you can save up, just see how much you can put aside each month from your allowance (if any) and work you can do. Do you have any relatives who give money gifts that you can resist spending? Put it in a savings account, and once you get $1,000 together, you can buy a Certificate of Deposit, which pays a little higher interest. (While under 18, your parents might have to do this account in your behalf.)

You can do this math. If you can save $20 per month this year, $20x12=$240. In the bank for five years (until you are 18), and then you will have $xxx. Ask the bank what % interest they are paying on savings -- it will be low, like maybe 3-1/2%, but is better than nothing. Then do the exercise for next year, when maybe you can earn more: suppose $40 per month. $40x12=$480. At 3.5% for 4 years, that's xx. And so on.

Hope this helps, but please, don't just become totally focused on money, because there's more to life than that. And can a car wait a while? Get one at the last possible time, because the expenses really add up, too -- license, registration, insurance, gas, maintenance.

Good luck, and once more, remember to enjoy your youth!