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Question For Atheists: Does it make any difference if we are evil or good?

Is there no punishment for those who live by greed and vicious methods? Oil barons who jack up prices just so they can make huge profits. hurting those who cannot afford to live? Murderers and rapists, who inflict pain and suffering, not only their victims, but, the families of victims as well? So, should we live our lives and get as much as we can out of life, not caring who we hurt? And live by a policy, "Take what you can, because this is the only life you have" ?
And those of us who do try to live honest and benevolent lives, are doing so for nothing? Is it better to take advantage, and get ahead, than be a fool, and be taken advantage of?
No punishment for the wicked?
No reward for the honest?

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1 month ago
What I am saying is, If there is no God, is there an afterlife? And if not, then why have morals?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well hopefully you'd have a consience which would tell you that doing evil is wrong.