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Romantic/Victorian/Gothic short works- help please!?

I'm looking to write a book or an essay on some short stories that are either Romantic, Victorian, or Gothic (I understand they kind of overlap a little). I really want some stories on the horror side. I have some, but they are mostly British- besides Hawthorne and Poe what are some by some Americans?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Hpw about "The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk", supposedly written by a Canadian woman named Maria Monk in 1836 -it is not clear if she was actually in a convent or not, but the book is a Gothic horror novel about life in a Montreal convent - very sensationalized, a la the Gothic school of writing of the time. I believe that it is still in print. It is about 200 pages or so, so I am not sure if it is short enough for your purposes.