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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > You entity that's around you seem to mess with my mind you're unsound you're u


You entity that's around you seem to mess with my mind you're unsound you're unkind may U get back ? ever U

send me!
you send things that are not of my mind
or spirit.. ideas not of a righteous mind...
you try do cause me suffering and misery.
Are you trying to get my angry and sore.
Your tactics affect me no more.
I only give back to you what you send onto me. Bother me and you get just as sore
As you make me if your power works at all.
If hell has no fury to you then may you fall
Into whatever cause you the most misery & pain Cause you trying to be driving me insane!
You're just a nasty nuisance a bother.
On a humanity your a blight a disdain
Whatever you send me may you suffer
Your tactic though evil are extremy lame
I refuse to be affected by whatever power
You that You Use I'm not playing your game!
What do you bother person(s) for
Seems you want to make us sore
Why and what do you do this for?
Are You trying to get hate galore?
You seem to be a demonic horror
I'm not playing your game anymore!

Additional Details

1 month ago
Note I'm not trying to be unkind
It's only Justice I allow in mind
I reject everything that is unkind
I return it to the senders mind!

1 month ago
the one that said "what a load of crap" is probably the mind tamperer trying to deny what is done! I simply received a bunch of thoughts and images in my head awoke me in bed. I know enough to be sure they aren't of my spirit or being and I had a severe headache as if someone messed with my mind! I find
rhyming relieves any depression!

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Nice work...