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Can you think of any issues when reason & emotion conflict for you?

Which side did you choose?

I can think of one kind of abstract one: emotionally, I think child molesters ought to be executed, but reason tells me that if the punishment was death, the molester would have an incentive to kill his victim since it would eliminate a witness, and the punishment would be the same either way.

Something similar happened after 9/11. Like everybody else, my first reaction was we should go kill Arabs and Muslims, but reason made me wonder why those guys did it and do some research, which can point to other solutions besides exclusively violent retaliation.

Any issues when that has happened to you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I have a daughter that is hooked on crack she told me for the zillionth time she had no food or money even though she works and makes good money.In my heart I wanted to fill her house with if I gave her money it would have gone up in smoke...but after a long emotional talk with myself I realized If I got her food then the money she would have had to spend on food would be drug money I crushed me to believe prehaps she would have nothing to eat but the fact I would be feeding her habit I told her no,and cried myself to sleep