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A Teenage Female WORKING In California?!?! Please help?!?

Heres the deal, I'm only 15 currently, I live in Southern California but how exactly do I go about this in the best fashion?

Legally I have to be 16 in able to work,
And I also have to have a permit to work,
I can get the permit to work through any local public school system....So that shouldn't be a problem.. I hope.

But mainly...

I'm completely new to all of this, And I could use some help.
What places are good to start out working at?
Especially for someone new like me.

What age did you start working....
And what age did you get a car?

Did buy your first car?

I have no clue why I'm wondering these things, But please
answer nicely if your going to take the time out to answer at all! :D

Thank you all for your input, it's so greatly appreciated.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I live in Washington and am 16 fyi.

I started babysitting when I was like11, but that doesn't really count.
I got my first real job when I was 15 as a secretary, I'm still there because its awesome.

I got my license at 16, a month after my birthday. And luckily i didn't have to pay for my own car, otherwise I'd still be riding the bus. lol.

Alot of my friends started working at restaurants, stores, etc. Normal first jobs. It really just depends on what you wnat to do. Right now I couldn't imagine working at McDonalds. I would die.

But anyways, good luck!