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Um... why do all these people think I'M LIKE TWO OR SOMETHING??

Ya know, peeps, just because I'm 8 doesn't mean I'm not mature. Ask anyone who knows me. A lot of people think I'm older than I am... one time this total stranger comes up to my dad and asks how old I am... my dad says I'm 8 and the guy's eyes bug out of his head!
And I am not/do not:
1. Like to watch kid TV
2. 1 year old
3. Like to read PICTURE BOOKS
For heavens sake people... don't judge a book by its cover!
Anyway what do you care if I like boys and am practically boycrazy?!??!
This is a free country you know!!

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1 month ago
It's so sad that people think I'm just some weirdo pretending to be 8... I really am 8 and you can believe what you want. But if you think I'm not 8... boop... you'll be wrong.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Lot's of girls your age get hurt by chatting. I will take you seriously. I know it's a free country, but with freedom comes responsibility. I know, I know. I sound like a nanny. Just please don't ever give someone on-line your name, phone number, address, gender, email, or any other info. I don't want you to get hurt. Type your phone number on google. See what you get? A map to your house, where someone can find you and hurt you. My niece is 15 and she almost got killed because of a sick-o trying to kidnap her. He only knew her school, hometown, and gender. This is the real, sick world. Please be careful.