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What was your most serendipitous thought and/or action?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

My most "unexpected" and totally uncharacteristic action was in approximately 1980, when I was driving home from classes on a very cold, and extremely stormy night. A young man's car had stalled on the freeway and he was standing there obviously cold, wet and looking very lost.

I drove past, and then thought about him so took the next exit. I drove back down the freeway and found an exit, turned around and drove back to where the young man was standing. Fortunately, I had AAA insurance. I told the young man to wait while I went to a phone booth. I called AAA and then went back and waited for the tow truck. I had the tow truck tow this young man's car to his home in Whittier, which was about 25 miles away.

When we got there his mother and father were on the phone from Las Vegas where they were vacationing. He told them what I had done and they wanted to pay me something.

I told them, No. But, the only pay I wanted was that in the future if this young man ever saw anyone stranded or in need of help he would stop and do whatever he could to help. I don't know his name or what happened to him, but I want to believe that to this day he has not forgotten that act and has passed on the kindness when he could.

From that day to this, I have never been afraid to stop and help a stranger in obvious need of assistance. I hope your son or daughter would do the same if they saw me stranded on a cold rainy night.