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Lovers of high art : how do you come back down to cold, harsh reality?

Artists themselvs generally had patrons and so didn't have to worry about money. But people like me who are intense lovers of art but not artists themselves have a problem.

The modern world favors the fast-paced, the cold, hard, and practical . Heartless administrative red tape and material ambitions.

I escape to the realm of art (primarily jazz and classical music, but also poems and short stories of the Romantic and Victorian era) and feel wonderfully alive, but when the music fades, it's back to the aforementioned unlivable reality.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I relate to this in a big way. I experience the same emptiness when I return to the dealings of the world both when I'm off in the arts or nature and when I "come back" from prayer.

The key is acceptance of what is and not trying to feel good all the time but just feeling whatever you feel until it passes. The Buddhists are masters at this and much of their teaching is based on acceptance of what is. Cool thing about Buddhism is that it isn't a religion, its a philiosophy that works with almost all religions, or no religion, so any one can learn about it. They know alot about anger management too.

As a Christian I have the comfort of knowing all is as it was predicted to be and I have faith that God is in control. This too is a form of acceptance.

Do your level best to get the arts and thier affect on you into your job and every day life. This may take time but with diligence its possible. You'll be alot happier when your days involve what you love.

In the mean time, you're not alone. The world can be quite harsh. Its broken because we're broken. Compassion for the brokenness that causes greed, betrayal, hate and other cruel states of mind might also help you to accept and even appreciate that chaos.

My heart goes out to you as I know the sincerity of this condition. Sensative souls in an insensative world; it is our challenge to stay ourselves and still cope with the insanity.

Peace to You.
Peace to All.