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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Do tou know why jewish americans are over represented in the Media,Arts and othe


Do tou know why jewish americans are over represented in the Media,Arts and other fields?

Specially since there are many other minorities,even more numerous, that barely get in the light,and if so they are represented as stereotypes.
why if there are so many talented and culturally rich personalities and ideosyncrasies.
Do they get some preferential guild or club privilege?
How can such benefit american cultural richness?

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4 weeks ago
And my name is not Goldstein or Marxberg just your average Babu

4 weeks ago
To be in the NASA you need to be from Florida?
To represent Kazakhastan you need to be a Borat?Because he also has a microphone,is on a camera and is a journalist? ...and hebrew.

4 weeks ago
Mark $_No,you can share my bedpan in the mental clinic I am forced to be with Paris Hilton,the aryan hore made piniatta by the Media.

4 weeks ago
The percent of jewish in Campuses don't change above their demographic average,unless the University is a Theological Seminary or they discriminate for some other reason the Bulk of the population....or the Bulk of the population are not interested in Universities,relegating them as a "jewish thing"since time immemorial...only in America.And elsewhere since french,italian or other european like talents as Botticelli or Descartes decided to leave their inheritance only to jewish talent!!!

Intelligence is not another exclusive religion of the jewish faith or genes selective output,and human contribution to knowledge is not a mayoritarian jewish language construction.Wisdom has no ethnic last name though Western Culture has many grandparents or uncles,godparents.

4 weeks ago
I am not buying that Jewish or anyone else included "aryans",are more intelligent than others by their high representation in the Hall of Fame or Nobel Academy awards.

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Do you have a verifiable, reputable source that you can cite to back up that claim?