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What are some good ideas for a dark, moody, artistic photo shoot?

I need some motiviation, some props and some ideas, help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Take the shots with good clear exposure and lighting. Keep everything as normal as possible except for the subject. Try to have them pose against a plain background that won't be hard to remove. Then get the image into photoshop or similar and try the following:

Remove the background and replace with something dark and moody (there are a billion methods of doing this in graphics packages. Storm clouds, lightning, out of focus textures, etc).

Keep the subject of the image on its own layer (remember to save the original and your progress along the way as seperate files).

Mess around with Contrast, Brightness, Colour Balance, Exposure, Lighting etc (all digitally added and fully undo-able in photoshop or similar packages).

Remember, once you get creative with graphics software, your mind and patience are practically the only limitations.

I always keep shots clean and simple with the camera and add effects in software. Add effects in-camera, and you're stuck with them forever.

Happy Snapping !!