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What makes a violin good?

I rented a violin and got caught in a scam (its a very long story) so now I'm looking to buy a violin. I've seen them advertised in costs ranging from $99-$1,000. I can't afford much but want to know what, specifically, I can't compromise on. I would like the violin to take me from a beginer's starting place to a regular players place (ie: 5-10 years of use). I'm looking at ads from craigslist and ebay so I would like to know specific types of wood, string, or bows that are good or bad so that I can make sence of the ads. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

This is a really comprehensive guide on the topic:

An instrument is a really personal thing, and I'd be hesitant to buy one on eBay. I did buy one instrument from an online seller, but they had a very generous return policy, and it would have been no problem at all to send it back if I hadn't liked it.