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Best way to stop a bully?

I'm having a problem with this one punk.
Hes being a complete you-know-what about something that doesn't even involve him to me.
Every time I see him he tries to pull the macho better-then-everyone else routine, and its getting very tiring. He's already tried attacking me before, but didn't get very far.
My dad eve said that if he tries anyhting again, HES going ot hunt him down and break every bone in his body. I believe he can do it, and I can't, becausre this guy is a lot tougher then I am.
I would have already at least attempted to fight him back, but Im scared about it because he has gang connections, habitual criminal, and a druggie. He's in THAT group of people.
Im not. I go to church when I can if my work schedule doesnt conflict with it. I try not to degrade others. I dont even swear if I don't REALLY have to.
Because of all this I can't go to the police about it, because that would just make it come out worse.
Am I doomed to have to deal with this forever?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Go for the shins, mid section, eyes, nose and throat just start swinging and don't stop till someone breaks it up and act crazy. No one likes to mess with someone who's crazy. Don't worry about his size he is human; all you have to do is make him bleed and he will never mess with you again. If you don't stand up for yourself you will never get respect. Block out your fear and do what needs to be done.