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Paris didn't kill anyone. And that is what makes the difference. I vote for community service & a hefty fine?

She is not a role model of mine. But i know enough about people to say that she is one that doesn't need to be punished that much she has been given her wake up call.

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4 weeks ago
Ok... according to your answers we have to toughen up a bit. mmmmmm so she disrespected the law and should now respectably just do the time without self pity or falling apart. mmmmmmm I wouldn't be in that situation in the first place ... i'm not that irresponsible with my life... let alone another or others. Two weeks in jail, community service and a hefty fine... and some counciling in regard to encouraging her to truely learn the life lesson here. Don't take her priviledged life for granted. Because you can quickly loose it... Peace

4 weeks ago
I will admit that i did not have the full story ... she should be dignified and do the time 45 days and volunteer for community service.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If it had been her first offense I would agree with you that community service & a fine would be alright. The problem is that she did it again, signed an affadavit saying she understood that she was not allowed to drive on a suspended license and the next night was back out there driving drunk on a suspended license. 3 strikes, she should do her 45 days in jail which is a lot less than what you or I would have to do in the same situation. It's hard for me to feel sorry for her when she could take a limo out if she wants to drink, so she was just basically thumbing her nose at the law because she feels above it. She should be a woman and do what she has to do, get it over with and go right back to being a celebrity.