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Documentary Film: Where can I find a good example of a treatment?

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3 weeks ago
Its for a documentary film on jazz.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Frank, alot depends on what kind of treatment.

Using humor and animation is very hot now thanks to Moore. Personaly, I would want to make it different. You don't want to look like you are just jumping on a band wagon.

Much of it will have to do with what you do with the camera. If you do all planned shots done on a tripod, it will have a very old fashioned look.

If you do lots of handheld shots, and just shoot what ever happens you will have a more contemporary feel.

You can also do the Ken Burs thing where you just use still photos. Again, I'd rather you didn't. It's getting old.

As for what to watch, watch PBS.
