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Esoteric groups?

I??d like to join an esoteric group but I??m having a terrible time finding one that I like enough to dedicate my life too. The problem with many groups is that they only understand a fraction of the truth and this small bit is usually distorted. I??d like to find a group that is beyond all the symbolism (I understand that the symbolism is a system that allows initiates understand the information) and ritual, but I??m starting to suspect that I??ll spend the rest of life sifting through all the false information on the internet. I??ve considered studying esoteric information over the internet but there are a few flaws in this. Like I mentioned earlier much of the information is false and going solo would mean sacrificing the benefit of a mentor. I would like to hear from members of different esoteric groups about their experiences in the group and if possible some of the groups beliefs. This would be a great help and I??d really appreciate it.

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When necessary, books and other media can be valuable mentors. Are you considering the "mystical" or "magickal" path. Or both?

In all events what your moving towards is healing your energy body and internal energy system so that your chi flows freely and at a certain point, based on Daoist thought, your "regular" chi will become shen chi and thus boost your consciousness level. This boost is what creates moving toward true "adepthood"/ "enlightenment" and the experiences and insights you're probably seeking--(including "magickal authority") and the good health and happiness that accompany such, essentially automatically. This is a simplified explanation, but, basically sound, at least from my experience.

How to do this? "Mystically" through much meditation and internal energy practices--tai chi, yoga, chi kung, Reiki, etc.

"Magically"--through performing uncrossings and healings and applications to "appropriate beings" to help with your growth to adepthood.

As you've noted, typically, people will join groups to aid with receiving "initiation", but there are plenty of us who work alone, and are doing just fine, as far as we can tell.

A plan: Combining the (seemingly) two approaches--they actually blend--As mentioned, plenty of meditation and energy work; then add working with angels--very safe, defi- nitely helpful--a good book *Angels: Companions in Magick* is recommended.

Another facet of the work is to actively deal with your "psychological challenges". They create energy body blockages, of course, which need to be removed. Counseling helps here, along with uncrossings of the magickal variety, noted above. Also, see*The Complete Idiot's Guide to Toltec Wisdom*--unusually insightful and understandable on point.

This is the very barest of bones, but perhaps helpful. The energy practices will aid you to begin connecting more proficiently with your "Higher Self", and then intuitions will follow which will guide you--the real Guru is within, afterall.

At this point you'll know which "magicks" to follow--there are so many paths.

To get you started, the books, etc. above, plus check out Her energy will help you meditate--you'll see what i mean.

Also check out: non stop info and if you feel drawn to the runes

So many possibilities--you are on the right track. Finally, since you seem drawn to esoterica, you may well be an "indigo" or "crystal" see on this--very supportive. (My intuition is that you are clearly one of the "new children"--meaning younger person, who was born with a significantly higher level of consciousness than the "average"). Many such "beings" are "coming in" now.

Best of luck---be very disciplined!! Once the shifts in consciousness begin to manifest you will experience/know why this "path" is so valuable. As has been said: "An adept is as much beyond a normal human, as is the human vis a vis a clam" This sounds arrogant, but is only meant to indicate the potential for EVERY human if s/he would just make the effort :)))

It has been "suggested" that i add this definitely move through the "current students" material before you leave the site--mind boggling. This is far beyond "ordinary magic". I hope you "resonate" with it :))