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What do you think about the dying art of traditional games?

just like how the 'in-thing' those days were traditional games like board games and hopscoth and top-spinnig...these days, computer games and video games are owerpowering everybody's minds and actions. wat are your opinions on the fact that ppl are now forgetting traditional games?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Other than it's dying them green? lol It's hampering the development of socializing skills: conversational give & take, argument solving, waiting your turn, losing or winning gracefully, etc. Children grow up lacking perspective on what is normal and acceptable human behavior, and may suffer more than necessary themselves, as well as annoy others.

It is "helping" us become more isolated, so that when we have to fill out a form and answer, "who to contact in case of emergency" for ourselves, or our child if we can't be reached, we have difficulty naming someone who would drop everything to help us.