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What is the significance of studying art?

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So that you can write that long overdue masterpiece: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman ! LoL

On a serious note, Modern culture is a visual culture, deluged with images from the popular media -- advertising, photography, television, film and video -- and professional contexts -- the courtroom, the hospital, the lecture hall. From fractal theory in the sciences to computer imaging, visual knowledge is central to critical thinking in the late twentieth century. The historical study of art, architecture and visual culture provides the understanding and the language necessary for analyzing space and image and recognizing their social impact. The making of art develops the ability to think visually and resolve spatial problems at the same time that it involves the resonant satisfactions of creativity.

It is generally accepted by most schools that in all visual art classes, students engage in sequential learning experiences that encompass art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and production. In the area of: art history, students search for meaning, significance, and direction in two-dimensional works of art and artifacts through in-depth historical study and analysis of artwork from a variety of cultures and time periods; art criticism, students search for meaning, significance, and direction in two-dimensional works of art by:
(1) critically examining current works and artistic trends,
(2) exploring the role of the art critic in society, and
(3) exploring art criticism as a method of identifying strengths and limitations in student artwork, aesthetics, students search for meaning, significance, and direction in two-dimensional works of art and artifacts by:
(i) attempting to respond to their personal questions about the nature of art,
(ii) reflecting on their own changing definitions of art, and
(iii) assessing their ideas and definitions in relation to the art community in general; and production, students search for meaning, significance, and direction in their own work by producing works of art in a variety of two-dimensional media. At this level, students produce works for their portfolios that demonstrate a sincere desire to explore a variety of ideas and problems.

What can you do with a major in art?

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