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High School And A Job?

I am graduating middle school in about a week, and i was thinking about high school next semester.

i know alot of high schoolers that have jobs.

How do they do it... Balance their school work with a part time job, and still get good grades?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Well it's not that hard...Just pay attention in class so you can get your homework done quickly and right...The hard part is normally actually getting a job...A lot of people don't really hire high school age kids, because they're slackers (depends on the area, maybe it's different where you are, but it's hell trying to convince anyone around here that you're willing to work.) You normally won't hold that many hours during the school year (it's not legal to work over a certain amount) so you should have time to get your work done. Also, try working out a schedule, like giving yourself a certain amount of time per day before/after work to do homework.

Good luck!