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What kind of jobs are for me?

im only 13 but im not sure what i should be...i love european history, greek/roman mythology, im in a arts school majoring in creative writting, want to be able to live where ever i want, make a very very good amount of money, be in charge in whatever i do,and it needs to be something where i can be creative. i do want to go to college so if a certain college is the best please name it...thnx

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3 weeks ago
my mom kind of doesnt want me to be a writer, im not good at drawing and im more of a free writer not a news writer...and i also like ancient civilizations...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you like european history and greek/roman mythology and like creative writing you should maybe be a writer. You should do creative writing with eurpean history and greek/roman mythology. Hope this helps!