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Why do some guys pop their collar?

You know, how they pop their collar on their polos and stuff?

Why do they do it..
I think it looks sort of dumb-- like they are trying to hard.

But if you DO pop your collar, try to convince me it is cool and change my mind.
I am open to a new perspective on the epidemic.

Is it like when a peacock spreads out its feathers to attract a mate?...

Why do they do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Actually I think it goes back to before the seventies. The fifties, actually. It was a symbol of macho, nonconformity, supposedly sexy look. You know, James Dean, motorcycle, wild ones sort of thing. I feel silly , but I even did it a couple of times in the sixties when I was a teenager. Just another one of those dumb fads cycling back again.