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How can I describe a bad truck/truck crash?

I have to describe injuries. I have face cut by shattered glass, and face burned by the gases in the air bag. Any ideas? Could someone's legs get smashed somehow? How would the ones you explained happen?

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3 weeks ago
It is for a book I am writing. A drunk driver had lost control of his truck on a back road, missed a tree and hit the other guys truck. Call it a soap opera if you wish! It sure is turning into it.

3 weeks ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Try describing injuries by first saying how she got them.For example the air bag exploded searing her face and blackening both her crystal blue eyes.Her bucket seat slammed forward trapping and breaking both legs like kindling.Most people tell it like her legs were smashed and then how but try saying how before what.Hope that helps a bit.good-luck