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PLEASE HELP! I'm doing a gallery show...?

I have a gallery show I'm doing PLEASE HELP?
But I have NO ideas on what to paint, and I can't use any of my old stuff.
So anytrhing- really anything- would be nice. No matter how stupid, or trippy it may seem please share your ideas (really stupid things often turn out cool anyway).

I'll give you credit for the idea too if you just post your name and city, state. with it.

Thank you!!!

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
I normally dabble in music based art and era based art.
But really I can paint anything.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

In Europe, galleries are preoccupied by contemparary arts in the atmosphere of video's. It attracts a young, wealthy crowd. So, how about painting videostills of contemporary movies?
You can put your own text underneath the picture, but the actors need to be recognized. Guarenteed succes!

Good luck!