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Can i get a refund after getting a picture "restored and enhanced"?

i went to Snappy Snaps the other day to get a picture enhanced and im not happy with it. its of a car that my dad use to own and i had this idea to get his only picture of the car enhanced because back in the days when pictures were enlarged they went blurry so i thought i would take it to a shop and get it made to look sharper and maybe enhance the color and tidy it up a bit for a gift for fathers day. but come wednesday (3 days after taking to the shop) my mum goes to pick up the picture and when i gets home to see it im quite shocked at how crap it looked. not only did they do the finish in gloss when i askd for matt the picture looked as if al they done was darken the contrast and make the color deeper but brighter. there was no sharpening of the picture at all. so ppl do you think i am entitled to a refund? if they could make the picture better then i would accept it but im not so sure they can do any better then they think they have done. this cost me ⣴5 for this, im not happy!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You have every right to go back to them and tell them you wish to be refunded, you will have to give them back the photo you are not please with anyway, and there really shouldn't be a problem. If you're dissatisfied, you shouldn't have to pay for shoddy workmanship.