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How can i finish my creative story?



My story goes something like this:

There's this guy with amnesia, and he can't remember his entire life. Nothing.
Although anonymous people around him attempt to try and recover his memory through photographs and past stories, it is futile.
He doesn't have any children, or a wife.

Where do i go from here?

You can change any of the above, I'd like a twist at the end...if anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You should try daydreaming. That helps alot. Actually once you start daydreaming don't get too carried away because you have to start typing again. Many writers get stuck.

There are so many stories about people having amnesia and in the end regaining it. Finally ending up with the woman, or finding that they have a deep dark secret they wish they never knew. But this can be your moment to stray from the norm and make a name for yourself. This is an idea that should get you going. Let him go through the rest of the story helping other people out and becoming a great man in the town that he is in. He never finds out who he was but does found out who he is now, and it doesn't matter to him who he was because he has been given a second chance. He forgets about pursuing his past but begins to pursue his future. The moral is that your past should never determine your future. Anyone can change if they stop looking back, but begin to look forward to the limitless possibilities of hope that lies in the future. Forgetting those things which are behind. Forgive yourself whether you understand it or not, and move on. Hope this helps.