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Why do you believe in life after death? Part 2?

The point is that philosophers/rhetors are known for their amazing wit and their prowess in the area of language. At a time when no one else had any opportunity to an education they composed timeless works that have formed the foundation for knowledge. Philosophers were the ones who paved the way for every other discipline there is today. Their sweet words, used as an art, are arranged in such a way that convinces readers especially in matters that humans, for the most part, thought fascinating such as life after death, as most people want to believe that they will live forever. Therefore, how can we tell what to believe and what not to believe?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

This assertion is highly debatable as you know:
"Philosophers were the ones who paved the way for every other discipline there is today."
what about 'a la ca-rte'?

Until/unless mortals can prove 'life before life', all talk about life after death is mere idle philosophizing, fiddlesticks!
Things don't just happen and processes do not just begin (1st & 2nd law of thermodynamics). There's method even to chance.
that force that made life happen before life is the sole custodian of knowledge about life after death. Our belief & faith, or disbelief & skepticism, have no effect on the process.
Hence, better live a life, play your role and enjoy the little niceities life has to offer at this very moment.
