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What do I do to choose him or him im so cnfused and don't know what to do!!!!!!!god!?

Me and this guy where talking online for about a year and I talked to him on the phone and stuff and then my friends knew him and i didn't know that and they hate him.and so me and him found out that he used to go to my school and my friend said that this guy broke her finger and then i fond out it was this guy im talking to..and i got a little mad at first..but then a couple of months went by when i didn't talk to him and then out of the blue he adds me on myspace and me and him start to talk again.And me and him by now are really best friends.Then once me and him decided to go meet eachother and once we did me and him started talking and stuff and a couple of days before he told me that he likes me and i liked him and that night i met him he said that he was going to go to north carolina for 6 weeks and im moving by the end of this month and i won't be able to see him again..then there is this other guy i really like and i met him online and he lives in california.i don'tknow what2do

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Do you talk like you write? It's incessant.

And... and .... and .... and ... and .... and.....

All the readers tuned out after the fourth and.

Slow down. Think before you speak or write. Review what you have to say and say it well. I recommend avoiding both persons for their own sanity.