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Wat is the biggest drug city in kansas?

i just wanted to know becuz im doin a project on that city, and i cant find it yeah i just need to know that...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It depends on what you mean by the "Biggest". Obvious the largest city, Wichita, has the largest number of drug users .. however, having said that, on a per-capita basis, it is most likely the smaller cities and towns. Remember, however, for drug use to be a real problem, when you count all kinds of drugs, there has to be one important thing present: Money. Find the wealthiest city in Kansas and that is the one where the most people use drugs. We just don't usually think of rich people and drugs, because they aren't often seen or caught. We tend to look only at the poor and skid row areas. They don't have enough money to be seriously into drugs. Find money and you'll find drugs.