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McDonalds or Timmy's?


I was recently discussing fast food outlets with a friend of mine...

And HE says that McDonalds is WAY better than Tim Hortons!

Now, I personally think Tim Hortons is FAR better than Mcdonalds; the food isn't that greasy, it has acceptable tastes, the portions are larger and the food is probably healthier.

But what about you?

Which one do YOU think is better?

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3 weeks ago

PS: If you have never been to Timmy's, don't bother posting...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I love them both. I get my fries and chicken burger at McDonald's and I get my large hot chocolate with either of the following: muffin/chocolate croissant/buns with the frost.
I tell you when I finish one of those treats from Timmy's I'm full for hours and it's cheap too. Tim Horton's good.