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When someone says (TIGER) what are your first thoughts?

I want to get a tatoo of a white tiger and i just wonder what thoughts come to you when you hear that word....

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3 weeks ago
probably on my upper outside of my thigh so you won't be able to see it all the time but I'm debating on weather i want it ripping out of my leg and pin point the eyes or something more soft.... the eyes are the eyes are the most important part of this tattoo

3 weeks ago
just of the record they do not breed the dad and daughter to get a WhiTe tiget. it's a special breed that are rare and its a pigment in there hair.... I know this for a fact I've spent wayyyyyyy too much time researching white tigers!

3 weeks ago
Now I hope people don't still think that sigfried and roys tiger attacked him cause she didn't.... just for the record Roy was having a seizer on stage and she dragged him off stage to save him she barely broke the skin it didn't hurt him the seizer did just for the record...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

tiger woods lol

but a tiger tatto on your thigh would be hot and sexy! well only depending on the size and the stnace of the tiger. It should cover most of your upper thight..and maybe at a slant.. you should show the FULL body not just like a head of a tiger, no that is silly looking..

it should be look fierce but when you see the eyes it looks so calm and gentle..your right the EYES are the most important!

good luck with this!!