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"Goldfish in Blenders as an art"?

guys tell me what u think about this piece of art that was displayed at a museum in western Denmark:

The art display at the small museum in western Denmark features 10 goldfish, each swimming in its own blender. The catch: Each blender can be turned on, depending on the viewer's whim.

The display, which opened Friday, has caused outrage among animal rights activists and drawn unusually large crowds to the Trapholt Art Museum. Two fish were blended at the opening, and police ordered the plugs pulled after a local group, the Union for the Protection of Animals, complained Museum director Peter Meyer said five more fish were blended on Sunday.

The museum in Kolding, 125 miles west of Copenhagen, is one of many smaller art exhibirtor in the Nordic country. It draws about 80000 visitors each year. This weekend, though, it had 1000 curious visitors - a very high off-season number, Meyer said.

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2 weeks ago
Let me know if you guys support this art. Why or why not?

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wow, that screams animal cruelty to me. It would have been fine if they didn't allow people to turn the blenders on.