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Anyone have any fun creative t-shirt ideas besides tye dye?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

YES! When I had the time to do this it was such a blast - Go to an art store (or k/wallmart) and pick up some fabric paint (NOT puffpaint that looks goofy and tacky) and a pack of T-Shirts (I prefer to use the 8 pack boys mediums for $5.99). :P

Then, find a picture you like, print it out, put it in between the T-shirt layers (where your body would go) and trace it in chalk or washable pen. Then use the fabric paint to re-create the image.

After you wash it, the pen marks will be gone and it will end up looking pretty professional if you're careful.

Or, um....

They have everything, and you can design your own T-shirt and have it printed but they do cost a bit.