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What - if any - is the difference between 'erotic art' and 'pornography'? Is it merely a value judgement?

please explain???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Usually erotic art features nudity but does not include sexual acts, including penetration, genetal contact, or bodily fluids, whereas pornography does include those things.

That's why Playboy and Penthouse were always considered men's "erotic" magazines (and actually the nudes shown in their pages were relatively tasteful poses), while "Hustler" and that other creepy guy's magazine (I forget the name) were considered pornography, because they regularly included penetration and other acts of an extremely sexual nature.

It's the same with erotic films vs. pornography. You can see erotic films on HBO/Cinemax/Showtime. They show people having sex, but you will never ever bodily fluids or genital contact of any sort. That would make it pornography, which is only available as Pay Per View.

But even the Playboy Channel has limits on how far they go. (They'll show penetration but no fluids.)