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Pirates of the Caribbean Fanfic help!?

I'm writing this PotC fanfic, and 9 chapters are done, but I have writer's block and have no clue what to write next. Here's the link to the story, you can read it if you want:

But, in brief, it's 11 years after AWE, on the Pearl, Barbossa captaining it, and Jack is on board. Barbossa's niece Amber, who is only a couple of years younger than Jack, is onboard too. Sounds stupid? Please read! Others seem to like it.
Anyway, I really need suggestions.
Please be nice. I mean really.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

it should go into the origin of the movie- how it's BASED ON A RIDE AT DISNEYWORLD which will explain why and then apologize for the lack of direction and poor declining story after the first movie.... or maybe it was just 'ocean magic'..

*with an addendum to never make another sequel.