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Ever met yourself on yahoo answers?

has anyone ever met another person on this site that has the exact same interests, nationality, answers etc along those lines?

how freaky is that huh??? please share experiences!! i just read about a chick with the same name (and spelling), nationality, no. of best answers, level and interests as me (Tanya, if ur reading this please answer!!)

she is also the same age, year level at, same subjects at and is also, weirdly enough, happening to be loosing (originally very thick) hair

this is so weird!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I have to say I share a similiar opinion with vegigal IN the case of THIS question......

ALWAYS ... be wary .. ALWAYS becareful what you reveal to people on-line...
YOU do not know who or sometimes even WHAT is typing on the other side of the Keyboard to you....

That's not to say that you can't discover really lovely people online...I have been fortunate enough to meet ( and actually MEET in person) some great people .. BUT you really have to be careful...

The fact that you have mentioned High School is also a concern to me .. because now it's possible you're going to have some creepy person make out that they have the same ideas and opinions as you .. and that they can easily do that by just going back and seeing what opinions you have expressed in answers and then they could make you trust them and goodness knows what can happen from there ..

I had the experience of *knowing* somebody for over two years online ..this person had become a trusted member of a group I was in .. .and then one day we all found out that this person didn't really exist ... and had had access to our personal details and had had our trust .. IT WAS SCAREY.