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Do you think Americans have the best weddings in the world but the worst marriages?

I think us Americans focus wayyyy too much time on making our weddings so lavish and extraordinary and special (which I do not think is wrong) that sometimes (not all the time), we forget about preparing to spend the rest of our lifetime with that special person (which is where our focus should be!)

Also why are there sooo many divorces? Like 1 in 2 marriages result in a divorce I think...

Is is because we are really really bad at staying committed? No self control? Letting our selfish desires control our lives and end up hurting us at the end?

Do we look deeply for shallow characteristics in our partners (being sexy, money, naughty (bad boy/bad girl) etc etc)?

I'm open minded. I'm only 18 years old so I have a lot to learn. I'll keep some of y'alls comments and suggestions in mind. Let me at it...

What do you guys think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Marriage is what you make it and everyday is a challenge. In order to stay together you have to want to stay together no matter how bad things get. People have stopped realizing that if you get married you should plan on staying married for the rest of their lives or they shouldn't get married. When I tell people that I've been married 12 years they look at me like and make a big deal about it. Why!?! 50 years ago people didn't get divorced but not some one who isn't is looked at like they are dinosaurs. I think a lot of this country has lost its moral compass and it is seen now that if you don't like things you can just leave and go find another mate. A marriage will only last if you work at it thru communication, respect, and unconditional love.