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Is there such a thing as having too many hobbies?

I have about 5 (keep in mind that I haven't done all of them but its something that I really want to do)

I'm about to be 20 years old and I am in college

Career wise I plan on becoming an industrial organizational psychologist so I know that's going to keep me busy but I still want to be able to include these things in my life and yes I am single and I'm not looking to be in a relationship anytime soon.

1. Cycling- I just started about a year ago and I've been on and off about it. I really plan on doing charity rides but I may also enter professional matches depending on how things go.
2. Ride a motorcycle- don't know how
3. Become a photographer- i haven't started
4. Drawing/Painting- I draw from time to time
5. Learn how to play the piano- I know little bit ( Very little)

what do you think. Do you guys think that it'll be possible before I die lol. Seriously

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think taking up cycling and drawing/painting will be the easiest to get started. Cycling the easiest and cheapest period.

Drawing and painting will be one of the easier hobbies to get started because you can setup indoors and practice whenever you have the time. Painting can be expensive though. Even if you don't paint on canvas the paints can get kind of pricey.

Riding a motorcycle: Unless you know someone who rides you will have to try and sign up somewhere to take a class. Chances are it will be a class to get your license as well, which I don't think the law wants to you riding on the street anyway without a license. (I don't know if there is a motorcycle permit)

Becoming a photographer can be fun. If you looking to just take digital shots then you pretty much only have to buy a camera now-a-days and your a photographer. If you want to understand the basic concepts then you should take a course at your community college.

Learning how to play the piano. I don't play any musical instruments so I can only speculate this would take up a lot of time, unless you have a piano and can practice whenever you find the time at home.

Good Luck!